わらじ お
「あやめ草 足に結ばん 草鞋の緒」
13. The Shiogama Road, Miyagi
Basho traveled toward Shiogama with straw sandals which had been presented by his disciple who took care of him in Sendai
The sandals had an indigo clog cord. The color of irises to keep off snakes.
Basho was impressed by the vivid color and presented the haiku to his disciple.
A-ya-me-gu-sa (Irises)
a-shi-ni mu-su-ba-n (tied on to feet)
wa-ra-ji-no-o (clog cord of straw sandals)
“I felt I tied irises to me feet as clog cords of straw sandals.”
Season word: Ayamegusa
= Irises (Summer)